Friday, February 5, 2010

Screen Shots! - Quick Tutorial

Even wonder how some sellers make a screen shot of their awesome treasuries? Or a section of a blog that they have been featured on?

Wonder no more!

On a Mac:
  • If you want to capture your entire screen- hold the command key (little apple) + shift + 3. It will be automatically saved to your desktop.
  • If you want to capture a portion of your screen- hold the command key + shift + 4. A little icon that looks like a target will appear. Click and drag the area you want a snapshot of.  In both cases, the snapshot will appear on your desktop as a png file.

On a PC:

  • Use the [PrtScn] button on your keyboard then open an editing program and paste it in! 
  • Use the crop tool to select the portion that you want.

That's it!!


  1. That is really cool thanks for sharing it, though I don't think I have that key thing on my laptop (pc)

    If you have vista you can just use the snipping tool! It's awesome!

  2. I also use this ad-on to my Firefox (it is available for IE too)
    It helps to capture the ENTIRE page of a treasury and has a simple edit options too! Print screen didnt work for me as there was always part of the treasury that is cut-off, but this feature is great!

  3. what?! i seriously WAS just wondering that!

    ~ variya

  4. i knew how to do it on a PC for work but i use a mac at home and had no idea so THANK YOU!!!!
